FDEsteel Transformer in Falstaff Austria

FDEsteel Transformer in Falstaff Austria

FALSTAFF LIVING (Austria)_novembre – dicembre 2022In the Falstaff Austria special December edition Casarialto Atelier FDEsteel Transformer piece of furniture, is presented in the Modulare Mobelsysteme fur maximale Freiheite – Modular furniture system for a total freedom column.

Click here to download Falstaff Austria issue

Warum dieser trend wichtig ist? Er verandert das Wohnen. Denn gibt es weniger Platz, verschmelzen, unterschiedliche Wohnbereiche miteinander, klare grenzen und Zuordnungen de Raume wershwimmen. Einnal mehr wirkte die Covid- Pandemie dabei ls Booster. Nicht Wenige mussten sich uberlegen, wie sie die Bereiche Wohnen und Arbeiten zu Hause miteinander am besten verbinden konnen. Aber nicht nur das schafft neue Herausforderungen fur Archiitect : innen, Raumplaner: Innen und Designer, innen. Denn werden die Wohn – und Nutzflachen kleiner, mussen raume und Interior mehr konnen, vor allem aber flexibler und multifunktionaler gedacht werden.

Why is this trend important? it changes the living habits. Because there is less space, different living areas merge with each other, clear boundaries and assignments of the rooms disappear. Once again, the Covid pandemic acted as a booster. Quite a few had to think about how best to combine the areas of living and working at home. But that’s not the only thing that creates new challenges for architects: inside, room planners: inside and designers, inside. Because if the living and usable areas become smaller, rooms and interiors have to be able to do more, but above all they have to be thought of more flexibly and multifunctionally.


Casarialto atelier FDEsteel FDST2 transformer allestito 3
Transformer is a low table composed by four modules of Carbon Steel laminate perfectly wedge in creating a rectangular shape with a glass heart. Similarly to Robot Transformer Toys, the modules can be combined in multiple configurations. The volumes are versatile, and the piece is suitable for every type of environment enhancing one’s personal creativity.
Each module is minutely polished, thanks to a laser-based technique and the color which is applied internally.

Click here to download Falstaff Austria issue