Casarialto New Collection in AD Italy

Casarialto Flower Glasses and Flora Platter have been published in AD magazine Italy for the page dedicated to the setting suggestion for Spring season.

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casarialto in ad italyCome arredare casa in primavera: 32 idee a tutto colore

Come arredare casa in primavera? È arrivata la stagione della gioia, il momento in cui la natura si risveglia dal suo sonno invernale e ci regala lo spettacolo meraviglioso dei primi fiori che sbocciano. È un tempo di rinascita, di rinnovamento, di speranza. Gli antichi greci spiegavano l’andare e il venire del germogliare del mondo con il mito di Persefone (Proserpina per l’Olimpo romano), la bella figlia di Demetra, dea dell’abbondanza terrestre, rapita un giorno da Ade, il patron degli inferi. La madre sconvolta interrompe la crescita delle piante sulla terra, finché non riesce a riavere la figlia per metà dell’anno, momento in cui la natura riprende a fiorire.

Non sottovalutare mai il potere dei fiori in casa
Fantasie a parte, è il momento di veder sbocciare i fiori, un miracolo che si ripete, anno dopo anno, dal crocus alla primula, dalla mimosa alla forsythia, le prime e temerarie specie a far capolino sulla terra una sinfonia di colori e profumi, in attesa dell’arrivo della peonia il fiore più amato da Proust che scriveva: “quando penso alla peonia, penso alla bellezza e alla fragilità della vita umana. Siamo come fiori che sbocciano solo per un breve momento, ma che portano con sé la promessa di una bellezza eterna”. E se Vincent Van Gogh il famoso pittore olandese amava iris, girasoli e crisantemi e Audrey Hepburn aveva tra i suoi preferiti quelli di campo, Coco Chanel, la celebre stilista francese, amava così tanto la camelia, che è diventata uno dei simboli della maison.

How to furnish your home in spring: 32 colorful ideas

How to furnish your home in spring? The season of joy has arrived, the moment when nature awakens from its winter sleep and gives us the wonderful spectacle of the first flowers that bloom. It is a time of rebirth, of renewal, of hope. The ancient Greeks explained the coming and going of the budding of the world with the myth of Persephone (Proserpina for the Roman Olympus), the beautiful daughter of Demeter, goddess of earthly abundance, kidnapped one day by Hades, the patron of the underworld . The distraught mother stops the growth of plants on the land, until she is able to have her daughter back for half the year, at which time nature begins to bloom again.

Never underestimate the power of flowers in your home
Fantasies aside, it’s time to see the flowers bloom, a miracle that repeats itself, year after year, from crocus to primrose, from mimosa to forsythia, the first and daring species to appear on the earth, a symphony of colors and scents, waiting for the arrival of the peony, the flower most loved by Proust who wrote: “when I think of the peony, I think of the beauty and fragility of human life. We are like flowers that bloom only for a brief moment, but carry with them the promise of eternal beauty.” And if Vincent Van Gogh, the famous Dutch painter, loved irises, sunflowers and chrysanthemums and Audrey Hepburn had wild ones among her favourites, Coco Chanel, the famous French designer, loved the camellia so much that it became one of the symbols of the maison.

flora handcrafted glass service plate c203

Flora Handcrafted Glass Underplate

Flora is an underplate in transparent glass with green and white leaves and flowers added by hand on surface.

The elegance of this piece demonstrates once again the ability and mastery of our Venetian artisans. Ideal as service plate, to adorn and integrate a table with a touch of uniqueness and extravagance.

The Flora underplate brings to your table a touch of natural charm and a spring air all year long. The Underplate is adorned with green colored glass leaves and flowers, and white and yellow flowers.

It is a 4-hand work: one artisan makes the plate, one makes the small items. Handracfted in Venice, Italy.


casarialto flower power glasses and jug c160 c161


Flower Power Set of 6 Glasses with flowers inside

Flower Power Glasses will add a refined accent to a modern dining table. Masterfully handcrafted of Venetian glass by two expert artisans, it features a sleek and transparent silhouette enriched with a small sculpture of a colourful flower, adding a luminous triumph of colors to this elegant design.


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