Casarialto In Casa Facile, Italy - January
Skimming the pages of the Casa Facile number of January Casarialto's products are presented in so many pages... Let's have a look together!
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Casarialto in Extra, Italy
Under the title Art de la table, the journalist Alice Parni signs a column on Extra Italy, dedicated to the whole Casarialto brand new collection
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Casarialto on Panorama, December
Under the cover "Natale tra le Stelle", "Christmas among the stars" , at the table with the recipes of 18 great chefs Panorama dedicates part of a column to Casarialto Eden Gold click here to…
Casarialto in La Casa in Ordine
Under the title "Free elegance – la tavola di Natale 2024", an entire colums dedicated to Christmas tables inspiration, among these Casarialto
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Catherine Urban and Casarialto on Natural Style, Italy
Under the title Va in Scena la Magia Ilaria De Bartolomeis in Natural Style Italy dedicates a 4 pages article to Casarialto and its Founder and designer Catherine Urban Click here to download the…
Casarialto in the on line French magazine dedicates a full page to Catherine Urban and the Casarialto brand new rechargeable cordless Trilli Lamp Click here to see the full issue …
Casarialto in Casa Facile, Italy
Casarialto Dolce Vita, Roma Glasses included in a Casa facile article dedicated to an Elegant house furnished with prestigious recycled elements we find also Casarialto Circus glasses in the same…
Casarialto in Il Sole 24ore HTSI
A faboulous Gold Table simply dressed with colored dished and vegetal element, and in the backrìground a giant immage of Casarialto Aurora Plate This is the tribute to Casarialto made by Antonella…
Casarialto in Ville e Casali
Ville e Casali the Italian Magazine about the furniture of luxury rustic houses, as farmhouses and chalets, dedicated a Focus on Casarialto Handcrafted Glass Eden Gold Candle holder Click here to…
Casarialto in Madame Figarò
Casarialto Dolce Vita Wine Glass in grey color in Madame Figarò magazine
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