Casarialto and Catherine Urban on Pianeta Design

Pianeta Design under the heading “tribute to the craftmanship”, presents the brand Casarialto at 360 degrees, with a special interview to Catherine Urban.

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Pianeta Design is a modern on line magazine, about design, inetriors and architecture suggestions.

casarialto handcrafted portofino oil bottle c199

With the Atelier Collection, the Casarialto brand puts craftsmanship and knowledge at the center, creating collaborations based on the sharing of experiences.


casarialto atelier mnmvenezia sgabello carpe diem amn7 6

Casarialto, always new and unexpected projects, interview with Catherine Urban

For Casarialto, glass was the starting point – explains Catherine Urban – so much so that we can consider it the heart of the brand. To create our products we immediately tried, after understanding the system in its entirety, to push the master glassmakers to modernize their work. Most are still very much anchored in a traditional style, matured over many years of experience and when we ask them to experiment, pushing them beyond their habits, it is not always easy. But it was, and still is, an interesting process which in the end, after some reticence – and even refusals – leads the artisans themselves to be surprised by the result. It’s a complicated thing that requires trust and collaboration.


casarialto breath generation tornasole bgt green

From 2021 the Casarialto collections will be joined by those of Casarialto Atelier, a project that was born with different premises, as Catherine Urban explains:

I had been cultivating it for some time because I wanted to expand beyond glass products linked to the art of the table and accessories with other proposals expressly designed for interiors. Unlike what happens with the artisans involved in the collections, here I have chosen to collaborate closely with master craftsmen each specialized in a specific sector. The project is strictly collaborative in nature: we take charge of part of the work, or project, and the rest is finished or completed by them.

We ask our artisans to do things different from what they usually do or what they are used to doing, taking them a little outside their comfort zone. As we did with the mirror trays made by a craftsman specialized in the creation of Venetian mirrors who found himself decorating wooden trays using alternatively materials and techniques intended for other uses.

casarialto arv3 clouds wood and mirror tray
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