Homage to our exposition at Fuori Salone

Thanks to Cristiano Franzoso for his article in his blog Pronto Intervento Lavoro, with the title “Casarialto al Fuori Salone, un’esperienza unica”.

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The article starts with “Last Saturday, at the end of some visits to historic buildings and shops along the Fuorisalone route (on the occasion of the Salone del Mobile), I came across a space that really impressed me.

Casarialto exhibition hall in the suggestive location of Palazzo Bagatti Valsecchi in Via Santo Spirito.”

Cristiano Franzoso writes about our Casarialto Atelier project, the life of Catherine Urban and especially focused on Tornasole Lamp and Wonder looms project, ancient technique textile mixed with fiber opitcs.

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Our work, seen, understood and appreciated by external eyes, is one of the most beautiful gifts that can be received.

Thank you!

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