Catherine Urban and Casarialto on Natural Style, Italy
Sotto al titolo Va in Scena la Magia Ilaria De Bartolomeis in Natural Style Italy dedicates a 4 pages article to Casarialto and its Founder and designer Catherine Urban
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A full interview to Catherine Urban, exploring the reasons of Casarialto birth, its vision e mission, relationship with artisans and the reasons why the mise en place is the focus in the Casarialto life.
An abstract:
Com’è il Natale di Casarialto? Quest’anno la collezione si esprime nella purezza delle trasparenze e nel lusso dell’oro, per trasmettere benessere e leggerezza. La tavola è elegantemente esuberante, ricca di dettagli ed elementi curiosi che prendono vita e animano un mondo incantato, su cui focalizzare l’attenzione e le conversazioni.
How is Christmas in Casarialto? This year the collection is expressed in the purity of transparencies and the luxury of gold, to convey well-being and lightness. The table is elegantly exuberant, full of details and curious elements that come to life and animate an enchanted world, on which to focus attention and conversations.
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