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Winter Table by Artemest

A selection of high end products, made by Artemest for its Christmas Table. The choice includes Casarialto Firenze Jug with Gold band. Elegant shape with double colored surface, transparent and grey…

Caraffa Fish Tail in Gala Magazine

Casarialto Fish Tail jug has been published on Gala Magazine.  Artemest highlights this issue on its PRESS FAVORITES "This elegant mouth-blown jug features a blue stylized fish scale pattern on the…

Il Vaso Cotisso

An eight hands work, conceived by Catherine Urban, starting from the small stones recycled from production waste. Small colored stones, cutted and selected. Three glass maters work together for one…


Casarialto Cactus bowl on Home! Italian magazin, August 2019. "Design sulle spine" presents many design products with cactus shape. Our Cactus bowls stick out for elegance and their distinctive…

New! Nu'oro in Korea.

We are glad to show you some pictures of Casarialto products installation, in a just opened shop in South Korea. Nu'oro, (its name evoke the Sardinia city) takes inspiration from the Italian mood. In…

Tea time by Casarialto

A journey in Alice in the Wonderland atmosphere. An enchanted World, where shapes and colors take back to a fantasy ambience. This is the mood of new Casarialto collection of tea pots and mugs.…

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Enhance Your Life With Beautiful Feeling.

Matriaglass is a very special piece. With one you get four! Four vases blown glass and hand painted according to the Venetian tradition which fit together into another. All different colours are…


Take your time... With Casarialto. By Catherine Urban.

It's Tea time, with Casarialto! A cold tea or infusion, served with an elegant glass Tea pot, with its gentle shape and unique hand painted decoration. Beautiful things enrich spirits, so let's…


Refresh your day with Casarialto... By Catherine Urban.

A refreshing drink served in a Fish tale shaped jug, is a good idea in hot Summer days. Handmade mouth blown light glass, with embossed colored scales. The colored glasses, have the surface full of…

Casarialto at Marianna Petridi Tinos

Casarialto new shop in Tinos. Marianna Petridi a Tinos, Greece. Marianna Petridi Tinos 13 Nik. Gizi, Chora Tinos Greece 84 200